Ultrasonic Testing
Training & Certification Course in NDT
We are providing Level I and Level II Training and Certification as per Recommended Practice SNT - TC-1A 2006 in the following NDT Method.
In Ultrasonic Testing high-frequency sound waves, created by a vibrated crystal in probe, are transmitted into a material to detect imperfections or to locate changes in material properties. The most commonly used ultrasonic testing technique is pulse echo, whereby sound is introduced into a test object and reflections (echoes) from internal imperfections or the part's geometrical surfaces are returned to a receiver
This method is very sensitive to detect crack type defects but requires extensive training for operator to interpret the result
Course outline
Level I course outline
- Properties of Sound Waves.
- Generation of Ultrasonic waves.
- Interaction of ultrasound with matter and boundaries.
- Types of Probes.
- Test Methods.
- Test Equipment.
- Instrumentation.
- Test Variables.
- Inspection procedures.
- Types of Discontinuities.
Level II course outline
- Review of Level I Course
- In-depth study of test Variables
- Immersion Techniques.
- Principles of DAC Methods.
- Echo dynamics for Reflector Evaluation
- Codes, standards and Procedures.
- Acceptance Standards
- Evaluation of Test Equipment
- Manufacturing Process and Discontinuities.
UT Level 2 Practical Training
Same as for Level 1 course + Interpretation, Evaluation of Indications using DAC. Evaluation Methods and Echo Dynamics, Beam Profile and Plotting